
Full Scenario List

77 scenarios currently in the library!

All of the scenarios in the database are shown here. You may find it useful to search the scenarios for a particular topic.

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This scenario is putting the first aiders in the situation where they are called to an unresponsive patient and there is no apparent cause initially. If the team is trained in checking blood sugar levels they will find that the patient is hypoglycaemic. The first aiders are called by a bouncer in a student union bar to the toilets where has found someone lying in the toilets. It is fairly early in the evening and the bar hasn't been open long. The first aiders will find the patient on the floor inside a toilet cubicle.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Medical Conditions,  Unconscious Casualty, 

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The first aiders are at an event but are called into a home to see a gentleman in his 30's with abdominal pain. They find the patient lying in their bed with their knees up to reduce the pain, leaning over and in evident pain. In this scenario, the patient has appendicitis and will put the first aiders' history taking skills to the test and give them a practice of dealing with generic abdominal pain.

Difficulty: First Aider Moderate Number of patients: 1
Tags: History Taking,  Medical Conditions, 

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Another great scenario that tests airway management in a patient who has taken a concoction of alcohol and other recreational drugs. The first aiders are called into a cafe to a young female who is reported as very drunk. On arrival, the patient is slumped on a chair and voice responsive, occasionally vomiting. A patient's relative is also on scene and says that the patient has been drinking all day and might have taken other stuff but not really sure. The nearest first aid post (HCP led) is about 300m away with no vehicle access to the cafe.

Difficulty: First Aider Moderate Number of patients: 1
Tags: Primary Survey,  Alcohol and Other Drugs,  Airway Management, 

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This one is about a child who has tripped and fallen down some stairs and landed on their head and shoulder. The child's head and neck was bent back in the collision with the ground but the child only complains of pain in their shoulder because it seems much worse than the smaller pain in their neck. This scenario is designed to test the first aiders with a distracting injury from a potentially more serious one on a child (a patient group that tests different communication skills for example). The child's parent can be with them to help explain the mechanism.

Difficulty: First Aider Moderate Number of patients: 1
Tags: Communication,  History Taking,  Paediatrics, 

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A simple scenario that gets people dealing with the common situation where someone has fainted. The first aiders are at a training session with a number of people who are new to first aid. The heating has been on all day in the building and there are loads of gory pictures up on the screen for the session. Once of the new people has collapsed onto their desk right in front of the first aiders that your scenario is for.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Cardiovascular Conditions,  History Taking, 

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The first aiders are covering an event in a small town and are approached by a someone who says that they have chest pain. The patient has known angina and the situation will get better after they have taken their GTN spray. This is a relatively easy scenario that gives first aiders a chance to investigate a chest pain and to distinguish the difference between angina and a heart attack.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Chest Pain, 

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This scenario is designed to test out the first aiders in a resuscitation situation where the patient is in a small space that does not allow good quality CPR to be carried out and will hopefully get them to consider their options for possibly moving the patient to a more accessible place. On arrival, the first aiders will find one patient who is not breathing. They were called by the bar manager who was checking the toilets at the end of the night and found the patient wedged in close to the toilet.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Resus/CPR,  Primary Survey,  Moving and Handling, 

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This scenario is a quick and simple one to get people warmed up at the beginning of a scenarios session that tests people on their very basic primary survey for an unresponsive patient with no obvious/apparent reason for them to be unresponsive. The first aiders will arrive to find the patient lying face down, unresponsive.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Primary Survey, 

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This scenario sees the first aiders deal with someone who is hyperventilating whilst having a panic attack. Setting the scene: A friend of the patient calls you over to her friend who appears to be having difficulty breathing. Because of the patient's breathing issues, the friend will be the first aiders' main source of information to begin with. The friend will be able to tell the first aiders that the patient had just received a phone call telling her that she'd lost her job and then shortly afterwards her friend had got really panicked and started breathing quicker and quicker.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Respiratory Conditions,  Communication, 

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The patient in this scenario has a relatively minor wound on their arm that in theory should be fairly easy to deal with. However, the patient speaks another language (take your pick) and speaks very little English creating a big communication barrier. The first aiders will need to find a way to ask questions and give advice. To set the scene: they are on patrol at an event when they are called over to this patient by a member of public who has seen someone's arm bleeding.

Difficulty: First Aider Easy Number of patients: 1
Tags: Communication,  Bleeds,